The Influence of Teachers’ P erceived Leadership Styles and Students’ Learning Approaches on Academic Achievement

Laura Sonia Cuciac, Ana-Maria Țepordei, Adrian Vicenţiu Labăr, Cristian-Cătălin Cuciac


The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of teachers’ perceived leadership styles (transformational/ transactional) and students’ learning approaches (deep/
surface) on academic achievement in Romanian language and Math, measured by both final grades and baccalaureate simulation grades. 243 students in 11th and 12th grade participated in our study. Results showed that, regardless the study field, academic achievement was positively influenced by the deep learning approach, and negatively by the surface learning approach. Our participants perceived their teachers being m ore
transactional than transformational in their leadership style. Results also showed that the relation between the teachers’ perceived leadership styles and their students’ achievement depends on the study field , the correlation being significant and positive only in Math.
Regression analyses revealed that the predictive power of the two leadership styles depends on how students’ academic performance is measured. The implications and limitation s of the present study are discussed.

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