Суставная гимнастика бубновского тазобедренного сустава

Вера Столбова



Дорогие мои социальные пенсионеры, сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о секрете крепких тазобедренных суставов! Нет, это не волшебное зелье или таблетка, которую нужно проглатывать каждое утро.

Это гимнастика.

Да-да, именно то, что мы все боялись в нашей юности на уроках физкультуры.

Но не переживайте, я не буду просить вас делать шпагаты или прыгать через скакалку.

Мы будем заниматься суставной гимнастикой Бубновского для тазобедренных суставов.

Звучит интересно, правда? Я обещаю, что после этой статьи вы начнете подходить к лестнице не с тревогой о болящих коленях, а с легким шагом и уверенностью в своих суставах.

Давайте начнем!

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Опубликовано: Сегодня
Просмотров: 515
Автор: Администратор
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Суставная гимнастика Бубновского тазобедренного сустава

Tazobedrenny sastav is one of the most important joints of the human body. It is responsible for movement and stability of the lower limbs. However, due to various factors such as aging, injury, and sedentary lifestyle, the hip joint may become stiff, weak, and painful. This can affect the quality of life of an individual by limiting their mobility and causing discomfort.One of the best ways to improve the health of the hip joint is through joint gymnastics, specifically the Bubnovsky method.

What is BubnovskyJoint Gymnastics?

Bubnovsky joint gymnastics is a set of exercises designed to improve the mobility and strength of joints. Как бы это странно не было, но Itwas developed by Dr. Sergey Bubnovsky, a Russian specialist in rehabilitation medicine.The method involves using special simulators and exercises that mimic the movements of the human body .Можете себе это представить? The exercises are performed in a specific sequence,and each movement is carefully controlled to ensure that the joint is moving in the correct way.

Benefits of Bubnovsky Joint Gymnastics

There are numerous benefits of Bubnovsky joint gymnastics. Firstly, it helps to reduce pain and inflammation in the hip joint. By increasing the mobility of the joint, it can also improve the range of motion and flexibility of the lower limbs.Только подумайте- Additionally, joint gymnastics can help to strengthen the muscles around the hip joint, which can improve stability and prevent further injury. Finally, it can improve overall physical fitness and wellbeing.

Exercises for the Hip Joint

One of the most effective exercises for the hip joint is the "bicycle". This exercise involves lying on your back and cycling your legs in the air. Думаю, вы можете себе это представить .This movement helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the hip joint, which can improve mobility and flexibility. Another effective exercise is the "frog". This exercise involves sitting on the floor with your legs bent and feet together. You then push your knees out to the sides,while keeping your feet together. This exercise helps to open up the hip joint and improve range of motion.


Before starting any exercise program, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or if you have recently undergone surgery. Additionally, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. Как бы это странно не было, но Overexertion can lead to injury, which can further damage the hip joint.


Bubnovsky joint gymnastics is an effective way to improve the health and mobility of the hip joint. By using specific exercises and movements, it can help to reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, and strengthen the muscles around the joint .However, it is important to approach this method with caution and to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program. With dedication and perseverance, individuals can improve the health of their hip joint and enjoy an active and pain-free lifestyle.

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